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Balochi Culture


Cultural landscape of Balochistan portrays various ethnic groups. Though people speak different languages, there is a similarity in their literature, beliefs, moral order and customs. The cementing factor is religion which provides a base for unity and common social order.


The people belonging to Baloch tribe speak balochi language. Balochi language is an ancient language. Its roots are traced back to Iranian branch of Indo- European family. It has resemblance with languages such as Sansikrat, Avesta, Old Persian and Phalavi, which now a days are said to be as dead languages.

Balochi Cuisine

One of the best Balochi cuisines is Dampukht. It is cooked at low flame due to which the spices etc. are able to release their taste over a longer time. In order to further increase the aroma, you cover the handi, in which Dampukht is cooked, very tightly.

Balochi People

The Baloch, believed to have originally come from Arabia or Asia minor, can be divided in to two branches: the Sulemani and Mekrani as distinct from the Brahvis who mostly concentrate in central Balochistan.

Balochi Marriages

Marriages are solemnized in presence of Mullah (a religious teacher) and witnesses. Life partners are commonly selected within the family (constituting all close relatives) or tribe.

Balochi Festivals

There are religious and social festivals celebrated by the people of Balochistan. Two major religious festivals are Eid-ul-Azha and Eid-ul-Fiter.

Balochi Dress

The mode of dress among the Balochi, Pashtoon and Brahvi tribes is very similar having a few minor dissimilarities. Turban is the common headwear of the men.

Four Day Sibbi Mela

The Sibi Mela (festival) began with fanfare and pomp and show in Balochistan’s historical district of Sibi .The annual fair in Sibi is certainly a factual reflection of ancient cultures of the province and people living here for centuries.

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